Posted by brandstad in Oct, 2017
Some businesses lend themselves to part time working. A part time business is not the same as a spare time business. If you think of working in a part time job you are committing a set number of hours every week to work in this job. A spare time job on the other hand would be something you do whenever you have some free time. It means that you do not commit any set hours to the job but just whenever you are free. Some weeks it can be 5 hours and another week it could be zero. It is very difficult to build a successful business which will generate a good income when it is run as a spare time venture. If you choose to run a part time business you need to commit by blocking out a set time period or set amount of hours in the week. For instance from 10am to 2pm two days a week is equivalent to 8 hours a week to work on your business.
Once you know how much time you have to commit to the business it is then possible to plan what is achievable within this time. Compare this to the level of income you would like to generate. If you need to run a business that generates a relatively large amount of money you will need to assess the variables i.e. how much time can you commit, what knowledge and skills do you have that can be used in the business versus how much do you need to learn. If you only have 4 hours per week that you can realistically commit to building and running the business then certain types of businesses would not be suitable and you are unlikely to be successful. Instead you will quickly become frustrated or burnt out.
Here are some businesses suitable to run on a part time basis.
- Childminding/baby sitter
- Pet carer / dog walker
- Disco Jockey (DJ)
- Social media manager or Blogger
- Web designer
- Bookkeeper
- House cleaner
- Writer – technical, creative, copy, books, copy writer for websites
- Photographer / Videographer
- Landscaper, gardener maintaining gardens for busy people/families
- Private tutor – Musical instrument, languages, maths, English, etc
- Handyman – DIY, painter
- Caterer – for events and festivals including baking, cooking, etc
- Makeup artist / Hair stylist
- eBay, seller
If you would like further information on any of the points in this blog please contact us on 07906343050.
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